
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Blog Giveaway Winner and Tech Camp 2.0

Y'all--I had such a great blog launch last Friday and I wanted to say thank you to all that visited my blog and entered in the blog giveaway too!  On the day that my blog officially launched my family and I were on a road trip to Phoenix to soak up a little sunshine and lounge by the pool, hence why I've been MIA.  I was still able to contact the winner and I wanted to give her a quick shoutout: Chrissy L!  The Gleam app randomly chose the winner and I am so happy that my first giveaway was a success.  Congrats again Chrissy L and thanks for checking out my blog :).  

I am so excited for next week as I will be attending another summer PD session with some of my favorite techie teachers in my district.  Last summer, one of my 2nd grade teammates and I had the opportunity to attend a technology camp offered by our school district and Apple.  After attending the week long session we were hooked on all things TECH!  We learned different ways to integrate technology into our classrooms that would be meaningful for our students.  Since then, both of us went on to become Apple Vanguard members and are currently pursuing certification to become Apple Vanguard coaches for our school district.

Next week we will have the opportunity to share some of our lighthouse lessons with others across the district and some of us are in the process of creating iTunes U course materials too!  I am going to be snapping some photos and keeping all of you in the loop as we delve into the possibilities that technology allows for educators, our students, and our classrooms.   Stay tuned!  


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