
Thursday, July 16, 2015

iTunes U Course

Man, this summer is just flying by!  So many teachers, including myself, have so many projects or PD that they are doing over the summer, which means we never truly go on "vacation".  I have been super busy this summer working with my school district on publishing PD courses for teachers in iTunes U.  The whole process has been challenging, eye-opening, fun, and rewarding.

The goal for the iTunes U courses are to give teachers in our district different examples on how to incorporate technology into their classrooms.  Each course is filled with lesson plans, student exemplars, testimonials, and more!  So far, our district has published a handful of courses, but the plan is to have around 70 before the start of the new school year.  This, to me, is such an AMAZING thing because teachers are sharing and collaborating with one another at a district level.

My course is pretty fabulous and it focuses on assessment.  Have you heard of the online assessment tool called Kahoot?  Well, if you haven't it is pretty amazing!  Teachers are constantly assessing their students.  In this "data driven" day and age, teachers are looking for instant feedback to drive there instruction and make their lessons more meaningful.  However, we all know that assessments can be daunting and overwhelming to students.  Kahoot makes assessing students more fun!  It is a student response system for creating and administering game-like quizzes.

Kahoot has a ton to offer and because of this my course focuses on a few smaller components.  The components that are covered in my course are: ways to access resources available through the Kahoot website, using Kahoot to assess sight words in a kindergarten classroom, and incorporating Kahoot in a collaborative assessment setting.

Here is a SNEAK PEEK of my class playing a collaborative Kahoot with another class in our district!

Check out my course and share with friends!!  Here is the link:

Also, visit the Kahoot website for more information @

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Periscope Craze

There is a PERISCOPE craze going on!  Periscope is an online LIVE broadcasting system that a ton of teachers have hopped onto!  What are teachers talking about?  Some teachers are talking about the following:

  • Lesson ideas
  • Classroom themes
  • Get to know you sessions
  • Periscope tips
  • Blog and teaching tips
  • Store Hauls--like Target, Walmart, and more!
  • Q & A Sessions
The list of ideas goes on and on!  I am LOVIN' Periscope!  If you are a teacher and aren't on yet, you need to be.  I jumped on the bandwagon and started 'scoping' too.  At first, I was a little nervous and the camera was even shaking, but, as time went on, I started to become more comfortable in front of the camera and even started to get some followers.  I appreciate those of you who are following me and who are consistently coming to my chat sessions!  

In the spirit of Sheila Jane Teaching's link up I am going to share with you three people that I follow on Periscope.  These people are some of my favorite ones to follow because they post things that I can relate to.  Here they are:

Second Grade Sizzle is part of the #secondgradetribe and she is doing AMAZING things on Periscope!  She has started something called Tech Tips Tuesday and will be sharing different techie tips with all of you.  Today, she did a broadcast on APP smashing.  I loved it!  

TCHR888 is a kindergarten teacher in my home state of NM!  #NMblogger  She has been doing some really cool broadcasts on kinder reading strategies and website finds.  If you haven't checked her out, especially if you teach kinder, you need to do it now!

Suzy was one of the first to hop onto Periscope!  She was doing some broadcasts live from the TPT conference in Vegas just last week.  She has a FABULOUS TPT store and I know that her broadcasts will be great!  

So, there you have it!  Periscope is THE BOMB!  I am slightly addicted and it is starting to take over my life.  If you haven't checked out some of my broadcasts please do.  I usually do one each day.  

Periscope tip for new watchers: Broadcasts are only LIVE for 24 hours, which means you need to watch the broadcast within 24 hours from when it was completed in order to view it.  

Friday, July 10, 2015

Five for Friday

Man, this week has flown by!  To end the week, I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly link up called Five for Friday.  I'm kind of excited about this because I always see my favorite bloggers participating, so I'm happy to join in on the fun.  

#1--This week has been all about swim lessons!  Both of my kiddos are getting in some extra swim time at our local high school this summer.  My son is learning a lot about swim technique and the different types of strokes, where my daughter is learning how to swim through the water without floaties :).  They are both doing a great job and I am lucky that they love the water! The picture below is of them swimming in my grandfather's pool!  

#2--My kiddos have been dying to see the new Minion movie, and even though I'm not a huge minion fan, I gave in and took them to see it!  What is summer for, right?  To my surprise, it was really cute and my kiddos enjoyed watching it.  My daughter was so excited she kept randomly blurting out, "BAAAANNNNAA," in her best minion voice.  Four year-olds are entertaining!  
#3--One of my sweet cousins got married on Wednesday and we were so happy to be invited to join in on their special day.  It is always so much fun when my family can get together and celebrate special occasions such as this.  I can remember when I used to watch my cousin when he was little, and now he is married!  Geez, time sure does fly by doesn't it?  The picture below is of my daughter and my niece searching for Rollie Pollies during the "first dance".  They had a blast.  

#4--I am super jazzed because I participated in my first ever TWITTER educational chat yesterday.  The chat was #whatisschool and we talked a lot about innovative teaching.  A lot of the questions asked us to define innovation, describe our challenges, and discuss our rewards when being innovative.  One of my favorite photos from the chat session is posted below.  This is how I feel about teaching :).  I'm a risk-taker, I embrace the messy parts of teaching, and I'm not afraid to be different.  


#5--I am starting to have teacher nightmares!  Do you ever get those before you have to go back to school?  You know the ones where you have no idea what you are doing or all of your students cry on the first day?  Well...I've been having them!  I still have four weeks left of summer and I am having back to school nightmares!  What is going on?  What are some of you back to school or teacher nightmares?  

Well, that's my Five for Friday randomness!  Be on the lookout for a new blog post about my new iTunes U course :).  Also, if you are new to my blog stop by my Facebook page too by clicking my button on the top right corner of my page!  Have a  great weekend!